We will understand and value differences, allowing others to express themselves in order to work together towards common goals, making our community stronger.
We will empower one another to make moral and informed decisions, especially when it is difficult. We are confident to be accountable for choices we make, choosing the way we respond to life’s events, rather than simply just reacting.
We will provide opportunities and experiences with appropriate challenge that support the growth and development of each other, enabling us to add meaningful value to ours and others' lives.
Across Newham PRUs we continually strive to enable our students to be successful in gaining the knowledge, skills and self awareness which will allow them to aspire towards and prepare for their futures.
Newham PRUs provide a safe and supported learning environment, motivating and inspiring students to access a broad, relevant curriculum which leads to many of our KS4 students achieving outstanding results in GCSE and other vocational qualifications. Students are encouraged to reflect, understand their personal challenges and when they are ready, to take the reins and apply their skills, knowledge and reflection to create their own successful futures.
To speak with a senior member of staff regarding any concern or issue, please contact amal.hassan@prus.newham.sch.uk
To Dylis, Eunice and the Eco-Committee at Phoenix who have been awarded an
Eco- Schools Flag. Our young people have been learning about important environmental issues and ways that they can help to resolve these issues. Well done everyone !!
APPLE students enjoying a tour of the farm and learning about the different animals and how to care for them.
Tunmarsh students attended the Arcola Theatre in Dalston to engage in drama workshops and watch performances delivered by the Intermission Youth Theatre Group. This group helps to transform disadvantaged young people living in deprivation and experiencing high levels of trauma and vulnerability. Positive feedback was received by all involved and our students represented the school values of confidence, kindness and resilience throughout the entire event.
Parent/ Carer evenings
We've recently had one of the most successful parent/ carer evenings across the PRUs.
An amazing turn out and having the whole school community coming together to praise, uplift and support our students is everything we stand for.
We have a special shout out to one of our ex students, Chloe, who has gone on to have an amazing career and has volunteered her time to say a few words about her experience at Newham PRUs and how the support and dedication of our staff has helped her to go on to a very promising future. This highlights the importance of the right support for every individual student can lead to great things for their futures. Thank you Chloe, we are so proud of you!
Talented Artists
Our students @ APPLE haver been upping their art skills and have completed their group piece for black history month. Well done!
Newham PRUs are working with Lewis Hamilton's MISSION 44 charity. He founded this charity following his first-hand experience of growing up in an education system that he believed worked against him, and has left him determined to build a fairer, more inclusive future in which every young person can thrive. (https://mission44.org/) .
As part of our continuing work with MISSION44, Lewis Hamilton visited Tunmarsh School meeting with students, their parents and our staff. He shared with us his experiences of being permanently excluded and how he wants to continue to work with students and families who are having the same experience.
In July 2022 Newham PRUs (Tunmarsh School, New Directions PRU and Phoenix) were awarded with National Nurturing Schools Award. This was the result of several years of hard work in developing and embedding Nurture Principles and Practice across our schools, and then undergoing a thorough assessment process. Our schools were assessed against a wide range of standards and we have fully evidenced that we implement and embed a nurturing culture that responds to the social, emotional and mental health needs of all our students, and the wider school community. This is a huge achievement that brings pride and positivity to all stakeholders and demonstrates that nurture and care is at the heart of everything we do.
Patrick Hutchinson visited Newham PRUs to talk to all staff and students about the worldwide attention he has received after being photographed carrying an injured counter-protestor to safety during a Black Lives Matter demonstration in central London. Patrick's message to the world is one of equality, unity and inspiration #EveryoneVersusRacism