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Admissions and review meetings

All students referred to Newham PRUs are required to attend an admissions meeting prior to starting. The purpose of this admissions meeting is to work together with our new students, their families and carers, the referring school and any other agencies working with the family to understand more about the individual strengths and needs of each student. 


Admissions meetings form the basis of each student's Personalised Learning Plan for throughout their time at Newham PRUs. By being able to talk through and share what challenges and barriers students have encountered in their educational journey to date, and by carrying out initial baseline assessments, we are able to identify appropriate support and learning pathways for each student. 


Admissions for those who have been permanently excluded from their mainstream school or considered as Fair Access are arranged via the Local Authority. Newham PRU's also receive referrals directly from mainstream schools for those students who are at risk of exclusion to provide support to help them re-engage with their learning.  


The admissions meeting also provides the opportunity to identify any additional support and interventions which a student may benefit from in order to make progress and work to their potential. The baseline assessments and screenings carried out within the admissions process ensure we are able to make informed decisions, placing students on the most appropriate curriculum pathway, and provide access to additional intervention and support where needed. 


If a student requires further detailed assessment, this will be provided by our Multi Disciplinary Team, which includes Educational Psychologist, Speech and Language Therapist, SENCO, Therapeutic Education Practitioner (TEP) and CAMHS. All students will also have the opportunity to access STIC (Short Targeted Intervention Courses), which is an intensive evidence based programme addressing challenging behaviour that may lead to disengagement from learning and exclusions. 


The Learning Pathway is agreed at the point of admission and students are timetabled to attend based on the nature of the referral. Records of learning, interventions, assessments and support students receive throughout their time on roll is recorded in the ‘Student Passport'. 


Review meetings are held for all students with parents and carers, staff from referring schools where appropriate, and other key professionals. These meetings are used to discuss and assess individual progress, and to decide whether the student is ready to return to mainstream or other Alternative Provision within the Newham PRU's, or referred to another alternative provision or a specialist provision arranged by the Local Authority. The ‘Student Passport’ provides the basis for discussions at all Review and Professional meetings, providing evidence of progress and achievements to date, and a detailed record of each student’s time on roll at Newham PRUs. 

For further information on admissions, please contact:

Mr Patrick Grant

Admissions and Commissioning Manager