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Key Stage 3

Subject Statement

The English Department Vision is for all students to have high quality, fun and engaging lessons where high standards and expectations are set, and a sense of fulfilment and reward are achieved. Our Aim in the Onsite English Classroom is to give students the opportunity to experience success in learning and to achieve their potential. A safe and nurturing environment is created in which we encourage students to develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing which will enable them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively.

Course Outline

At KS3, we recognise the need for an English curriculum that focuses on communication skills and literacy development. We therefore aim to teach a curriculum that is meaningful and challenging to all students where the intended outcome is to provide students with a range of learning styles, including working independently and in groups; bringing texts to life through storytelling, drama, debate, and a variety of written tasks. Students are given opportunities to practice their listening skills and to learn to process information. Students have access to a wide range of literature, and activities to enrich and broaden their experiences and knowledge. This year, all KS3 students have a timetabled reading lesson once a week in which they are encouraged to read for pleasure, read with expression and read for meaning.

Assessment and Feedback

For the purpose of summative assessment, we use Sims to record and track students’ progress in Reading, Writing, and Spoken Language every half term. Students are encouraged and supported to be reflective learners and to develop improved habits for learning. A key component of English lessons is Assessment for Learning whereby students learn to self/peer assess using the English Department Marking Criteria.

How Parents can Help

- Encourage your child to read independently by taking them to a library.
- Spend 20 to 30 minutes supporting them with their reading.
- Make time for your child to talk about their day. Perhaps you could encourage them to explain something they learnt in a particular lesson that day.
- Challenge your child to expand their vocabulary by giving them a Weekly-Word to use in conversation with you.


Head of Department:

David Savage -

Teacher of English

Katie Scrase -

Liam Tulloch-Foley -

English HLTA

Sidra Akhtar -

Liam Johnson -

Links to Online Resources


Key Stage 4 GCSE

General Course Information

General Course Information
At KS4, our aim is to ensure that all students’ needs are met with each individual achieving some form of accreditation. We offer a variety of qualifications ranging from GCSE English Language/ Literature to Functional Skills and Entry Level.
In the Onsite English Classroom, we follow the AQA GCSE English Language specification (8700), which is an untiered qualification that allows candidates to demonstrate their ability to investigate and analyse language; and to experiment and use language creatively.
Students whose attainments fall significantly below the expected level for English Language GCSE often undergo an individualised programme of literacy intervention and differentiation. Similarly, students whose attainments exceed the expected level for English language GCSE are provided with suitably challenging work and will be guided in their independent preparation for the GCSE English Literature qualification (8702), should they decide to be entered for the examination.

Assessment and Feedback

The assessment consists of two externally examined papers, each worth 50% of the total marks, plus a separate endorsement of Spoken Language, which is internally assessed and externally moderated. It is a linear qualification so all examination papers must be taken at the end of the course. The qualification will be graded and certificated on a nine-grade scale from 9 to 1, where 9 is the highest grade.

To gain a GCSE English Language qualification, pupils must provide assessments in the following 3 areas:

1. Paper 1: Explorations in Creative Reading and Writing.   (1:45 minute written exam, 50%)

Section A: Reading a fiction extract and responding to analysis questions.

Section B: Writing a descriptive or narrative peace in response to a given task.

2. Paper 2: Writers' Viewpoints and Perspectives. (1:45 minute written exam, 50%)

Section A: Reading one fiction text and one literary non-fiction text, and responding to analysis questions.

Section B: Writing to present a viewpoint on a given topic.

3. Non-examination Assessment – Spoken Language.

This is a teacher-assessed presentation on any topic using Standard English and responding to questions and feedback.

How Parents can Help

  • Encourage your child to read independently every day as this will help develop their fluency in reading.
  • Encourage your child to use the online resources available to reinforce/consolidate their learning.
  • Make time for your child to talk about their day. Perhaps you could encourage them to explain something they learnt in a particular lesson that day or discuss something your child enjoys doing.
  • Challenge your child to expand their vocabulary by giving them between 2 and 5 Weekly-Words to use in conversation with you
  • Support your child with revision before and during their examinations by encouraging them to complete past papers.
  • Make sure that before mock examinations and their real GCSE examinations, your child has good sleep, a good breakfast and is punctual to their exams.


Head of Department:

David Savage -

Teacher of English

Katie Scrase -

Liam Tulloch-Foley -

English HLTA

Sidra Akhtar -

Liam Johnson -

Links to Online Resources

GCSE – English language – Teaching Resources 


GCSE English language – AQA – BBC Bitesize 

YouTube Mr Bruff AQA GCSE English Language