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Tunmarsh School PPG Report and Strategy

New Directions PPG Report and Strategy

New Directions Covid Catch up Funding

New Directions was allocated £7,200 in 2021-2022, additional ‘catch-up’ funding to support interventions designed to close gaps in attainment for this academic year.

At New Directions School we have carefully considered the areas that would most benefit from this additional funding. The key areas of focus are:

  • Year 11 Careers Catch up - Ensure all Year 11s benefit from a 1:1 careers interview to support transition in to post 16 college and sixth-form providers 
  • KS3/KS4 Numeracy and Literacy intervention – Students have lost learning time due to lockdown. Extra support will be put in place to close the gap and reading ages to be at or above national average in all year groups.
  • Morning and Afterschool clubs - One to one Boosters to be put in place as teachers have used their assessments to identify specific areas of support that individual students need to close the gap.
  • Reading and Literacy Assessment Toolkits: The school has purchased additional assessment resources to identify student levels and track progress. We have set up a dedicated Library and Reading room.
  • Student Well-being: Students emotional needs have increased due to the pandemic and the isolation of lockdown. Extra staffing has been assigned to focus on students’ emotional needs and general well-being and a parent forum is being set up to offer help and advice to families. There is a greater emphasis being placed on the role of student voice with regards to planning for safeguarding and supporting students and their wellbeing.
  • Remote Learning - Ensure that the home learning offer is made available to all students during absence for self-isolation and/or local lockdown

Please see our Catch-up funding plan that will be updated throughout 2020/21.

New Directions did not receive any Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch-Up or PE and Sport Premium in 2021-2022

Tunmarsh School - Covid Catch up funding 

Tunmarsh has been allocated £17,280, additional ‘catch-up’ funding to support interventions designed to close gaps in attainment for this academic year.

At Tunmarsh School we have carefully considered the areas that would most benefit from this additional funding. The key areas of focus are:

  • Year 11 Careers Catch up - Ensure all Year 11s benefit from a 1:1 careers interview to support transition in to post 16 college and sixth-form providers 
  • KS3/KS4 Numeracy and Literacy intervention – Students have lost learning time due to lockdown. Extra support will be put in place to close the gap and reading ages to be at or above national average in all year groups.
  • Morning and Afterschool clubs - One to one Boosters to be put in place as Teachers have used their assessments to identify specific areas of support that individual students need to close the gap.
  • Reading and Literacy Assessment Toolkits: The school have purchased additional assessment resources to identify student levels and track progress. We have set up a dedicated Library and Reading room.
  • Student Well-being: Students emotional needs have increased due to the pandemic and isolation of lockdown. Extra staffing has been assigned to focus on students’ emotional needs and general well-being and a parent forum is being set up to offer help and advice to families. There is a greater emphasis being placed on the role of student voice with regards to planning for safeguarding and supporting students and their wellbeing.
  • Remote Learning - Ensure that the home learning offer is made available to all students during absence for self-isolation and/or local lockdown

Please see our Catch-up funding plan that will be updated throughout 2021/22.