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Headteacher's Welcome

I am incredibly proud to have worked at Newham PRUs for over 20 years, initially as a teacher and senior leader before taking on the role of Headteacher in 2016. 

Throughout this time I have had the privilege of witnessing so many of our students develop and grow, accessing opportunities and the support they need to be successful as they progress onto future education provision and adult life. Across Newham PRUs we place great importance on nurture, and I am incredibly proud of our rich and diverse school community which  we have grown over the years with so many of our students feeling proud to belong to. 


Newham PRUs provide a safe and supportive learning environment which enables students to access a broad, relevant curriculum which leads to many of our KS4 students achieving outstanding results in GCSE and other vocational qualifications. Across Newham PRUs students are encouraged to reflect, understand their personal challenges and when they are ready, to take the reins and apply their acquired skills, knowledge and understanding to create their own successful futures. 

We believe that working closely with parents and carers is essential in supporting our students and building our community, and encourage students, families and support networks to engage fully with school life and support us in this journey. 

Kirsten MacLeod
