Key Stage 3
Subject Statement
The PSHCE and Humanities curriculums within Tunmarsh School are delivered using a carousel model. Each half term pupils learn about a different topic/theme, which meets the requirements set out on the national curriculum framework for schools. Course content is differentiated to meet pupil need regardless of academic ability or special educational need (SEN). Lessons are informative and interactive and include debate, discussion, written and project based tasks. Suitable, appropriate and relevant external agencies are invited into the school throughout the academic year; to deliver workshops and sessions that complement the ongoing work that is taking place within the classroom. These extended learning activities help students to develop further skills, knowledge and awareness within an informal education setting which is both engaging and inclusive.
Course Outline
Students develop secure knowledge of past, present and future life events. These lessons promote personal awareness and empower pupils to learn new skills in a wide range of different areas. The PSHCE & Humanities curriculums within Year 7 & Year 8 follow the same structure and content, with challenge appropriate to the pupils’ abilities. In Year 9, the curriculums are again very similar in content, but become a more complex and explore topics in more depth. This requires students to analyse, explore and reflect on their own level of understanding and promotes them to express their personal perspectives about a variety of different topics and issues.
Assessment and Feedback
Students receive regular written and verbal feedback on their progress and areas for further development. Student progress and attainment is tracked half termly highlighting where students are making sufficient progress as well as where further intervention and support is required.
How Parents and Carers can Help
- Encourage your child to attend school regularly and engage in lessons.
- Use the online resources to develop a level of understand of the curriculums being taught within the school
- Support and encourage your child to continue with their learning when at home (extended learning activities)
- Keep in regular contact with staff at the school for updates on your child’s progress
- Regularly attend Parent & Carer Consultation meeting (Parents Evenings)
- If you have any questions or queries regarding any elements of the curriculum offer, then please raise your concerns with the school.
Head of Department
Claire Campbell-Jackson
Teacher of Humanities and RS
Shelleyanne Williams -
Jermaine Carrington -
Key Stage 4: GCSE Religious Studies and Business Studies
General Course Information: Religious Studies
The AQA GCSE in Religious Studies short course (8061) covers the subject content laid down by the Department for Education (DfE). Students consider different beliefs and attitudes to both religious and non-religious issues related to Christianity and Islam, in contemporary British society and around the world. Students are required to develop an awareness of the religious traditions within Christianity and Islam and to acknowledge and understand the religious traditions and beliefs are diverse.
General Course Information: Business Studies
The AQA GCSE in Business Studies (8132) provides students with the opportunity to explore real business issues and to examine and develop knowledge on how businesses work, function and operate within the sector. Students are required to consider the practical application of setting up and running a business and to analyse concepts and methods for effective business management. The course provides opportunities for students to explore theories and concepts through the context of events that occur within the business and economic world.
Feedback and Assessment
To successfully pass the AQA GCSE in Religious Studies course, all students are required to sit one written exam at the end of year 11, based on the units taught throughout the course. Students achieve a qualification graded between 9-1.
To successfully pass the AQA GCSE in Business Studies course, all students are required to sit two written exams at the end of year 11, based on the units taught throughout the course. Students achieve a qualification graded between 9-1.
All students receive regular written and verbal feedback throughout their studies on their progress and areas for further development. All student work is moderated and assessed with student attainment tracked using an in-house assessment system on SIMs, this tracking system highlights where students are making sufficient progress but also identifies where further intervention and support is required to assist students to make progress.
How Parents and Carers can Help
- Encourage your child to attend school regularly and engage in lessons.
- Use the online resources to develop your level of understand of the curriculums being taught
- Support and encourage your child to study and revise at home (extended learning activities)
- Encourage your child to attend extra revision classes in preparation for GCSE examinations
- Keep in regular contact with staff at the school for updates on your child’s progress
- Regularly attend Parent & Carer Consultation meetings (Parents Evenings)
- If you have any questions or queries regarding any elements of the curriculum offer, then please raise your concerns with the school.
Head of Department
Claire Campbell-Jackson
Teacher of Humanities and RS
Shelleyanne Williams -
Jermaine Carrington -
Teacher of Business and PSHE
Ingrid Baab
Links to Online Resources