KS 1 & 2
All children referred to our Key Stage 1 and 2 provisions have access to a wide range of assessments which enable us to understand more fully the individual needs of each child. These assessments ensure we are able to put in place personalised learning, and develop a support and intervention plan around each child’s needs.
Assessments may include input from Newham PRUs Multi Disciplinary Team including Speech and Language therapist, CAMHS therapists and Educational Psychology team. All assessments will seek to include information and input from the parents/carers, previous school, as well as staff observation. The outcomes from assessments may then be used to support an application for Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) if thought appropriate, or to inform decisions regarding the most suitable future education provision for a child. Pupils usually access support for up to 12 weeks, but this is determined based on the individual needs of each child.
Class teachers and support staff work together to discuss planning and individual pupil support, ensuring learning involves engaging and exciting topics. Topics are decided upon based on children’s interests and National Curriculum objectives. Core skills of Literacy and Numeracy are taught discretely as well as being embedded within the wider curriculum topics. Opportunities for Speaking and Listening are optimised and basic skills, including scientific enquiry are delivered through this holistic approach to teaching.
Teaching staff do their utmost to enthuse the children and broaden their experiences of the topics via off site visits, visitors into the school and shared experiences of the wider school community.
Children’s achievements are celebrated regularly in the school through displays in classrooms and shared areas, structured play and interactive displays, in topic work books and during the schools weekly celebration assembly. Pupils are encouraged to create a personal learning journal to record many of the engaging and extra-curricular experiences that they experience, and to support transition. These are used to help pupils understand and recognise their individual strengths and progress made.
Parent/carer involvement is seen as essential in their child’s education at Phoenix. This is a partnership we actively seek to maximise throughout the school year. Phoenix’s intention is to ensure all parents/carers feel valued by the school and that they recognise their integral role in their child’s progress and development.
We encourage engagement from our parents/carers and wider support agencies to bring about protection, provision and progression for learners at Phoenix so that they are well prepared for the future both as learners and citizens.
At Phoenix we strive to provide a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our pupils so that they can learn in a calm and secure atmosphere. We believe every pupil should be able to participate in all school activities to their best abilities in an enjoyable and secure space and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of all adults employed or invited to deliver services at Phoenix. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual or social abuse, neglect and bullying. We are a safe school and we ensure that our children learn, share and grow together.
In order to meet the individual education needs of pupils at Phoenix, the school works closely with a number of linked agencies. Agencies include:
- Speech & Language Therapist
- Educational Psychologists
- School Nurses
- Child & Adolescent Mental Health Team
- Children’s Social Care
- School’s Police Team
- LBN Looked after Children Virtual School
- LBN SEND 0-25 Team