The Phoenix Provision
The Phoenix provision provides education for up to 14 primary aged pupils on the roll of Newham schools and is part of Newham PRUs. We work together with Newham primary schools to provide support for pupils who are experiencing Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (SEMH) and may be at risk of permanent exclusion. We also offer full time education to any pupil who is a Newham resident and has been permanently excluded from their primary school or is referred to us through the Fair Access Panel.
Every pupil enrolled at Phoenix has been on a unique educational journey. We are committed to being a positive and stabilising setting that bridges the gap to enable primary aged students to continue their education whether that be at another mainstream school or an alternative, specialist setting. Our students can be at Phoenix anywhere between 1 week to over 1 year depending on the circumstances that they have been referred for . There are regular reviews held with parents and all professionals who are involved with each pupil are invited to attend.
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum using a thematic approach. Pupils are assessed in terms of their learning, behaviour and emotional needs.
We offer individual programmes in literacy and numeracy that are tailored to each individual need.
PSHE is an integral part of our curriculum, allowing pupils to explore and reflect on past behaviours and ways to move forward successfully.