Learning Pathways
The Educational Pathways we offer for students across Newham PRUs include:
New Directions
New Directions PRU offers on site provision for KS4 Students who wish to access a more vocational and applied skills based education programme. GCSEs are offered in English and Maths, in addition to BTECS . Students may attend New Directions for up to 2 years throughout Year 10 and Year 11. All students in year 11 are supported to make applications to post-16 destinations, and to achieve the qualifications they require to access the courses they have chosen.
Remote Learning
We are able to deliver education remotely for those students who are unable to attend an onsite provision due to individual circumstances. Lessons are delivered via the Google online platform in addition to working directly with outreach teachers and support staff. When educating in the home as part of a blended learning facility, Newham PRUs will deliver as close to the same curriculum as is delivered within the classroom. Highly specialised and skilled staff are able to innovate and have developed an educational platform that supports our vulnerable students to learn remotely.
The education provision at APPLE is Newham PRU’s Alternative PRU Programme based at Lambourne End Outdoor Education Centre in Romford. APPLE provides a learning programme which offers additional individual support with a focus on improving engagement, attendance, and outcomes for students who are unable to engage in an onsite group provision at either of our schools. This includes those students who present with more challenging behaviours or specific individual needs. whereby the curriculum on offer is more suited to their learning requirements. The curriculum at APPLE provides access to a range of alternative and outdoor learning experiences in addition to the core curriculum. It is planned and delivered in a way to support and respond to the individual challenges each student is encountering. APPLE accepts students through an internal referral process.