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GCSE / BTEC Equivalent

Course Outline

The course encourages pupils to develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards mathematics, and to recognise the importance of mathematics in their own lives and to society. It is also intended to provide them with a strong mathematical foundation to enable them to go on to study mathematics at a higher level post-16. There are a range of tools to support the learning of maths in school and at home. Doddle is a tool that enables independent learning and tracks each pupil’s development in Maths.

Assessment and Feedback

Mathematics includes the following key elements: NUMBERS; ALGEBRA; RATIO & PROPORTIONS; GEOMETRY & MEASURES; PROBABILITY and STATISTICS. Year 10 pupils will study Numbers and Measures in the autumn term, as Numbers is the foundation of Maths, thus critical to understanding other aspects of the subject. Prioritising NUMBERS is also important as the Year 10 pupils will be attempting their first public exam, ‘Award in Number and Measure’, in January 2021. They will follow this up with an Award in Algebra in June 2021.

Year 11 pupils will study Algebra in Autumn 2020, utilising much of the core skills they gained from Numbers, in year 10. They will study Statistics in the Spring (2021) term, and the other elements of Maths in the first summer half term. They will take their GCSE public exams in June 2021.

Pupils take a baseline test upon joining. This serves to highlight their strengths and weaknesses in Maths, and indicates were teaching should focus on. Pupils take part in weekly knowledge challenges, showcasing their knowledge by resolving questions. This will be based on all the topics they have studied up to that point in KS4. Weekly topic tests will be embedded into their learning, based specifically on what the pupils have studied that week.

Pupils will also be given half termly and termly exam papers based on topics covered for that period. A database has been setup to capture pupils’ progress and this will be shared with them on a weekly basis. Pupils also get to input directly their own level of confidence in any topic they attempt. This is done before and after each topic is taught. Historical evidence shows that pupils engage better with difficult tasks when they are aware it was their input that resulted in them being given that task to do.




Links to Online Resources - select GCSE - select MATHS or