Pastoral Support
Pastoral support aim
Our pastoral aim is to offer the best possible pastoral care by providing support and guidance for pupils in an environment which is nurturing, respectful and child centred.
Where students:
- Feel secure and accepted in a safe environment;
- Know that they are valued as individuals;
- Are encouraged in their learning, take pride in their work and develop a positive approach to study;
- Can grow in their self-esteem, confidence and independent thinking;
- Develop self-discipline and a sense of responsibility;
- Have the ability and knowledge to make informed decisions in relation to life choices;
- Develop a positive approach to leisure activities and healthy living;
- Contribute to the life of the school and the wider local community;
- Foster good relationships among their peers and with staff;
Where staff:
- Establish and build professional working relationships with pupils and their parents/carers
- Explore pupil’s needs, aspirations and the support they require to achieve their goals.
- Review and evaluate the mentoring process, to ensure that the quality of the support offered is effective and impacts positively on improving pupil outcomes.
Where parents/carers:
- Can make informed decisions and support the welfare of their child in partnership with the school.
The Pastoral Team at Newham PRUs
Supporting and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility at Newham PRUs.
The Pastoral Support Team is overseen by the Assistant Heads of Pastoral and Character Education and is made up of the following members of staff:
Provision Manager
Leads and manages the operational running of the Pastoral Team..
Is responsible for working together with Leadership to develop and implement Student Voice and other key areas of the pastoral programmes across Newham PRUs.
Therapeutic Educational Practitioners (TEP's), Nurture Practitioners, SEN assistants, Safeguarding key workers, Family Outreach workers (FOW)
The Pastoral team play a vital role in supporting and enabling pupils to develop effective strategies to manage and overcome barriers that they face within their learning and everyday lives, with the intent that they will then to go on to achieve their full potential in the future.
Form Teacher
All students are assigned to a form class and Form Teacher.
A Form Teacher’s role is central in both caring for students and, crucially, monitoring their progress both academically and socially. Form Teacher’s at Tunmarsh School are active in looking after the interests of their students and work closely with the rest of the Pastoral Team.