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GCSE / BTEC Equivalent

General Course Information

The qualification is designed to enable pupils to engage, explore, enjoy and succeed in science. Entry Level Certificates (ELCs) are nationally recognised qualifications, which give pupils the opportunity to achieve a certificated and accredited award in Science. The assessment is on-demand; which means that pupils can complete the assignments at different times, when they are ready, throughout the academic year, helping to keep them engaged and motivated. Like all science qualifications, the language used within the tests allows pupils to focus on specific scientific content and to develop wide and varied vocabulary. The ELC provides a flexible progression pathway onto the GCSE in Combined Science for pupils who would like to purse their studies further. This qualification is linear. Linear means that students submit all components that form the assessment at the end of the course. We follow AQA board and specification. If you need any additional; information, please visit their website


Assessment and Feedback

Pupils are given a lot of individual help and feedback on their work, enabling them to explore ways to improve and develop their work and to share their own ideas. Pupils are also encouraged to talk about their work and to work with their peers to collaborate and develop group work skills. Each practical task is assessed against a set of key skills and learning outcomes, and pupils are required to demonstrate their level of knowledge, understanding and engagement.

All class activities follow National Curriculum guidelines.


There are two different types of assessment.

  1. Externally set assignments (ESAs) consist of a short written test.
  2. Teacher devised assignments (TDAs) consist of a short piece of practical work.

What is assessed: ESA?

Students should submit evidence from at least three of the six components. At least one each from Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

How it is assessed?

  • Externally set assignment: 45 minutes (three tests: Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
  • Each test is worth 20 marks

What is assessed: TDA?

Students must submit evidence for three components. They are not required to be the same components as the ESAs. These are assessments of practical tasks accompanied by coursework set by the teacher and marked against the marking criteria provided in the Scheme of assessment.

How it is assessed?

  • Teacher devised assignments (three pieces of coursework: Physics, Chemistry & Biology)
  • Each piece of coursework is worth 15 marks


How Parents and Carers can Help

  • Encourage to visit websites related to subject.
  • Talk to students about their progress and interest areas in the subject.
  • Help the students meet their targets for the subject eg by ensuring Homework is complete.
  • Subject related educational visit.
  • Providing suitable resources.
  • Watch documentaries related to Science.
  • Celebrate their work at home



Teacher: Upasana Malhotra


Links to Online Resources