Medical Outreach
Medical Outreach at Newham PRUs is for those students who cannot attend their mainstream school due to mental health or medical conditions.
Medical Outreach is for pupils across key stages 1, 2, 3 and 4, where there is school absence for a period of more than 15 school days. In all cases, the school absence and referral for Medical Outreach must be supported by the treating medical consultant. To support the referral, schools will need to provide a medical report outlining the requirement for school absence and indicating any ongoing clinical interventions and treatments.
Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities who are unable to attend their named school should refer to Newham SEND 0-25 Team and follow the Emergency Review Process in order to assess the specific circumstances for school absence and the needs of the individual child. All children on Medical Outreach are required to be dual registered with Tunmarsh School as the subsidiary registration. Placements are funded by the Local Authority at no direct cost to schools.
All referrals will be triaged and then if the referral meets the criteria, an initial admissions meeting will be scheduled by Tunmarsh staff. the intention of this meeting is to coordinate ongoing involvement of the pupils mainstream school, healthcare professionals, parents / carers and Tunmarsh staff to facilitate the best possible package of learning for any child.
Children on Medical Outreach are supported to access Digital Remote learning with our Google Workspace for Education trained teachers. They are also supported by our qualified Therapeutic Educational Practitioners, referred to as TEPs. There are a number of Digital Remote classes across key stages 1,2,3 and 4 delivering up to 25 hours of online learning. The classes offer access to learning at all levels and across a wide range of subjects taught by subject specialists. All core subjects are taught daily, with students being offered specialist curriculum options, creating a well rounded educational offer.
Tunmarsh School TEPs support not only the academic learning, but also provide emotional and wellbeing support within the home as well as in the community.
Pupils' named mainstream schools retain responsibility for the delivery of learning for each child, together with the additional support of the Tunmarsh Medical Outreach Provision. Mainstream and named schools must ensure good quality, personalised ongoing support for each child, ensuring pupils access their full curriculum where possible, and remain engaged in school life and are made to feel valued members of their school community.
Pupils' mainstream schools (Primary and Secondary) are responsible for scheduling and holding regular 6 weekly review meetings. These meetings are to monitor each pupil's health needs impacting on school attendance, monitor and track progress, and identify any additional support required to enable the pupils to to make further progress. The meeting also allows the professional network to work together to meet the needs of the child with collaboration at the heart of the process.
in the absence of review meetings being scheduled and held, the Medical Outreach provision will automatically terminate and the mainstream school will be informed.
Primary School children are offered a bespoke provision. KS1 and KS2 children are offered online lessons as well as 1:1 lessons at home and in the community, with a primary trained SEN specialist. Planning for each provision is based on the individual needs of each child. Progress is monitored and tracked, TEP support is offered and mainstream schools are expected to work in partnership to ensure that the needs of their pupil are met. The child's mainstream school is expected to retain lead responsibility for the programme of education delivered and support provided.
Across the Medical Outreach Provision teachers deliver core curriculum subjects and in working closely together with students’ referring schools, we are able to support with the delivery of a wider curriculum. Pastoral support staff (TEPs) provide mentoring sessions and are able to assist with reintegration to a mainstream setting if and when appropriate. Timetables are developed around what is suitable for each individual student. Pupils’ mainstream schools are the lead partner in ensuring the delivery of education for the pupils they refer to Medical Outreach. This includes providing curriculum and pastoral support, and ensuring that any school absence has a minimal impact on a pupils' chances of educational achievement and success. Schools should [place an emphasis on the importance of supporting pupils to continue to feel valued members of their school community throughout any extended school absences.
Medical Outreach and Digital Remote Learning Referral Process
Complete the referral form and upload any supporting documents.
Outreach Medical Referral Form
flowchart medical outreach and digital remote learning 1 .pdf
pupil placement panel pathway for medical outreach flow diagram 1 .pdf