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Tunmarsh KS3

Many of our KS3 students follow our Reintegration Programme, based at Tunmarsh School. Baseline assessments completed within the admissions process allow us to identify each student’s individual needs, and understand the challenges they face in engaging with education. Our Key Stage 3 curriculum pathways are designed to provide students with specialised support including therapeutic intervention, as well as developing strategies for being successful when learning within the classroom. Students follow a broad academic curriculum inline with the National Curriculum as well as accessing a broad range of enrichment activities to build their Cultural Capital.  


At Newham PRUs we strive to provide a caring, friendly and safe environment for all of our students so that they can learn in a calm and secure atmosphere. We believe every student should be able to participate in all school activities to their best abilities in an enjoyable and secure space and be protected from harm. This is the responsibility of all adults employed or invited to deliver services at Newham PRUs. We recognise our responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all our pupils by protecting them from physical, sexual or social abuse, neglect and bullying. We are a safe school and we ensure that our students learn, share and grow together.


In order to meet the individual education needs of pupils at Newham PRUs, the school works closely with a number of linked agencies. Agencies include:


  • Speech & Language Therapist 
  • Educational Psychologists 
  • School Nurses
  • Child & Adolescent Mental Health Team
  • Children’s Social Care
  • School’s Police Team
  • LBN Looked after Children Virtual School 
  • LBN SEND 0-25 Team